The PCC’s Annual Report
for the year ending 31 December 2019

The annual report is an opportunity each year to celebrate all that we have done as a community and to keep a record for future years of the nature of our community. Usually the report is completed for April each year, to be ready for the annual meetings. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic this year’s meeting has been delayed but the report is now ready for sharing and celebrating.

Unlike previous years, where we have produced many paper copies of the report to be distributed, this year, to reduce on paper being produced and because, with Covid-19 it isn’t ideal to distribute the report in the usual way, we are supplying the report here electronically using a flip-book viewer. For ease of reading I suggest you choose the full screen mode by clicking on the four-way-arrow symbol below the report.

If you would like a copy of the report printed in an A5 booklet format we can provide this on request. Please contact the church [email protected] to request a printed copy if you wish to have one.