Church Walk Verge Improvement

Church Walk Verge Improvement

Church Walk Verge Improvement When Church Walk (the former church and vicarage drive) was adopted by the council in the 1960s, All Saints Church held onto the ownership of the verge in order to ensure it wouldn’t become developed or paved over, and to ensure that the...

Easter 2 – 2021

Easter 2 – 2021 John  20:19-end Thomas the Twin Weekly Services Sunday Mornings 8.00am Morning Prayer in the lady chapel10.00am Parish Eucharist with choir and Sunday School Weekday Services Christian Meditation Wednesdays at 9.10amSaid Eucharist on Wednesdays...

Oh that 2020 would end

Oh that 2020 would end Mark 13:24-37 ‘But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’ Oh that this year would end. Oh that God would come down and smite Coronavirus. Then maybe everybody would see...

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet? Matthew 25:31-end Christ coming like a shepherd, dividing the sheep from the goats As these short days of lockdown two continue we have found that an important thing to do a couple of times a week is to head out for a walk on the Heath. Wellington...

Wisdom, learning, rightness and Remembrance

Wisdom, learning, rightness and Remembrance Matthew 25:1-13 The parable of the ten Bridesmaids In the midst of a year which has been full of disappointment and challenges. Suffering and grieving. A year which has come with the kind of national impact and response...