Not Being Ready

Luke 9:51-62 Jesus responds to those who want to follow him I remember when I was a teenager I had a great plan. I would finish High school and go to university. I’d get a degree as an engineer and get a job. I’d work at my job and buy a house and a car. Then when I’d...

The Huge Bag of Worries

Luke 8:26-39 The Healing of the Gerasene Man We have a picture book that was given to us when we were getting ready to leave Cambridge. Our daughter was very young and had been picking up on our anxieties around moving. It’s a book about dealing with anxiety. Perhaps...

Relationship and the Trinity

John 16:12-15 The Spirit of Truth Working with others isn’t always easy. There can be frustration, misunderstandings, and so much more. But when team work really works, a group of people can become more than the sum of its parts. I remember one summer during secondary...

Receiving Authority

Acts 2:1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost When you have something important to say, It can be really important that people know who you are and what gives you the position to be able to speak. Like when you are at a school meeting and get up to speak, you...