Being alongside the other

Acts 11:1-18 Peter’s Vision – ‘what God has made clean, you must not call profane’ Every day we are forced to make judgements. Judging who we trust picking up our children at the school gate – which parents do we trust. Judging if the...

Being Overwhelmed

Acts 9:36-43 & John 10:22-30 Peter raises Dorcas and Jesus continues his discourse about the Good Shepherd In the summer between my second and third year in training we went to India. We knew that there would be a culture shock, different language, different...
Knit and Natter Group

Knit and Natter Group

Knit and Natter has returned, now on Tuesdays at mid-day Whether you are an experienced knitter or a total beginner, all are welcome to come along for a cup of coffee, a chat and some knitting. Bring your own project or help out with the group project. At the moment...

Confounding State of the ‘Nation’

John 12:1-8 Mary anoints Jesus’ feet “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” When we first moved to London as a family, having many friendship groups from...
Annual Meetings – 7 April 2019

Annual Meetings – 7 April 2019

All Saints’ has it’s annual meeting of parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 7th April at 11:15 (after the 10am service). The Incumbent’s report will be given as the sermon during the Eucharist and the the meetings will...