
Child’s Hill News
Annual Meetings – 7 April 2019
Annual Meetings – 7 April 2019

All Saints' has it's annual meeting of parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 7th April at 11:15 (after the 10am service). The Incumbent's report will be given as the sermon during the Eucharist and the the meetings will follow shortly after...

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Suggestions for All Saints’ and Child’s Hill

All Saints’ is the parish church of Child’s Hill, as such we are committed to serving our local community. As part of a listening exercise, we would like to hear from anybody and everybody about the needs and opportunities in our local area. There is now a suggestion...

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Annual Church Meetings

29 April 2018 - 11:15am The Annual Meeting of Parishioners (formerly known as the Vestry meeting) and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place after the 10 am Parish Eucharist on the 29th April this year. These are the meetings at which the Church reports are...

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Interfaith Assembly at All Saints’ School
Interfaith Assembly at All Saints’ School

On Wednesday 14th March 2018 All Saints Church of England School, Cricklewood Lane, NW2 had a special assembly with leaders of the three Abrahamic faiths. The new Priest in Charge at All Saints Church, The Reverend Robin Sims-Williams was joined by Rabbi Dov Kaplan of...

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Services and Live Streams

You can attend all our services in person. Alternatively you can participate in these services via Facebook live stream from home at the following times.

Sunday Mornings

8.00 am Eucharist
10.00 am Parish Eucharist
9.00 pm Compline in person or via Zoom only

Monday through Thursdays

9.20 am Morning Prayer


11.00 am Eucharist

You can view the latest Sunday 10am service on our video page.