Midweek Services

Midweek Services

Midweek Services As the parish church one of our central tasks is to ensure that each day the people of the Child’s Hill are prayed for. You can join in with this at All Saints Church on the following days and times. Summer Hours 2024 Midweek services...
Sunday Morning Services

Sunday Morning Services

Sunday Morning Services 8am Said Eucharist A quieter said service for those who would rather attend a smaller more intimate service without music. 10am Parish Eucharist Our main service for the whole family. This includes hymns and sung parts of the liturgy. During...
Services at All Saints’

Services at All Saints’

Services at All Saints' We have our roots in the Catholic traditions of the Church of England, but our worship is contemporary and engaging. Today’s service is designed to help us celebrate life, to comfort us where we hurt, and to challenge us where we have grown...

Cheetah racing for its life

Cheetah racing for its life Luke 17:11-19 The Thankful Samaritan Leper The cheetah is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds close to 70 miles per hour in short bursts as it hunts. It is a graceful and much-loved animal, prized as a domestic animal by the pharaohs...