
Before the Foundation of the World

  Ephesians 1: 3-14 Before the Foundation of the WorldI want to tell you the truth about everything in the universe and then explain why that matters for your life together at All Saints and in Child’s Hill. I want you to imagine two great arches, one inside the...

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Being Mother Church

  Luke 2:33-35 'And a sword will pierce your own soul too.'Happy Mothering Sunday. The day when, historically, servants would be released to travel home to see their mothers and to worship God at their mother church. Today we give thanks for our mothers, and all...

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Anger, Discernment and Action

  John 2:13-22 The Cleansing of the TempleI can remember as a child having a horrendous temper. I think I was a relatively calm person normally. But every now and again I would boil over with emotion. There was one occasion, when overwhelmed with furry at being...

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Oh the Temptation!

  Mark 1:9-15 'The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness'I wonder what temptations you find hard, what things do you do mindlessly that you know you shouldn’t do? Or what things do you find it difficult to remember to do? Perhaps you have been told...

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So Much Winning!

  John 8:1-11 'Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone'When I was studying Engineering we had to do a work placement. The coordinator would provide us with advice and coaching as we applied for Engineering summer and vacation jobs....

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A glimpse of the timeless

  Mark 9:2-9 The TransfigurationI remember as a child, sitting on the floor in a pew, with my paper and pen drawing pictures, imagining stories while my parents prayed next to me on a Sunday morning. Every now and again, in the stillness of that All Saints, I...

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Mystery and the Laws of Thermodynamics

  John 1:1-14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us. Sermon preached at Heath Street Baptist Church on 4 February 2024Good morning, I bring with me greetings from the community at All Saints’ in Child’s Hill, just down the hill where the Hendon way meets...

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All Saints

  Matthew 5:1-12 The BeatitudesTwo words which say it all. In Africa, a name describes a character, a circumstance, an aspiration. [Examples]. You have the best name at this church. Today I want to expound it, to make you really proud of it. To realise that it...

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