
Child’s Hill News
Churches Together in Golders Green Statement
Churches Together in Golders Green Statement

Churches Together in Golders Green and District AGM on 19 October 2023 made the following statement: Church leaders attending the Annual General Meeting of Churches Together in Golders Green and District express their concern for their Jewish neighbours and stand with...

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Parish Pilgrimage to Canterbury
Parish Pilgrimage to Canterbury

24 July 2023 Canterbury is where Augustine, sent by Gregory the Great, was consecrated Bishop in 597 and planted the beginnings of the Church of England. We will be meeting at the Cathedral at 11am. Pilgrims are welcome to join us on the train journey at 9.38am from...

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Bishop Rob’s Prayer Pilgrimage
Bishop Rob’s Prayer Pilgrimage

This past Thursday, 9 March 2023, Bishop Rob, the Bishop of Edmonton, held his prayer pilgrimage through Barnet Deanery. Fr Robin, Catherine and Jean joined him and a number of people from across the Barnet Deanery for lunch at St Barnabas, North Finchley, the home of...

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Services and Live Streams

You can attend all our services in person. Alternatively you can participate in these services via Facebook live stream from home at the following times.

Sunday Mornings

8.00 am Eucharist
10.00 am Parish Eucharist
9.00 pm Compline in person or via Zoom only

Monday through Thursdays

9.20 am Morning Prayer


11.00 am Eucharist

You can view the latest Sunday 10am service on our video page.